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Files and Records

We are required to keep a record of our interactions with or about our clients. These records include identifying information, the reason that you sought our services, fee arrangements, dates and notes about each appointment and therapy session, assessment results, notation about formal consultation with other professionals, and a copy of all reports prepared. Paper copies of information are stored in a locked filing cabinet and electronic copies are stored using a Canadian practice management software, which is a cloud-based, password protected and encrypted. Some information is also our password protected and encrypted computer system, which is backed-up on a password-protected, encrypted hard drive that stored in a locked cabinet. Raw test data acquired during an assessment is also stored in a locked cabinet. For another layer of security, the information is also stored on a password protected, encrypted, zero-knowledge, cloud server. We are the only ones with access to this electronic information.

As outlined in the College of Alberta Psychologists Standards of Practice, for adults these records are kept for ten years after the last date we rendered services. In the case of minor's, the records are kept for 6 years after the child reaches the age of majority as stipulated by the Yukon Limitation of Actions Act or for ten years (which ever is longer).  After this time, the paper copies are shredded and the electronic copies are deleted and wiped from the hard drives.


What about third-party billing?

If your services were paid for by a third party (like Family and Children's Services or Jordan's Principle), you will want to inquire with them about how their files and records are stored and maintained, and for how long.If you wish, you are able to view the contents of your files, except for the original test protocols which can only be released to other registered psychologists.  

If you would like to view your file, please contact us to arrange a convenient time for file viewing. If we feel that information in your file would be harmful to yourself or another person if you were to read it, you may be denied access to parts or the whole of your file. We will do our best to explain this to you.

Contact Us

Suite 202, 104 Elliott Street

Whitehorse, YT Y1A 0M2


Tel: 867-668-2612

Fax: 867-457-0246

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Mon: 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tue: 8:30am - 6:00pm

Wed: 9:00am - 4:00pm

Thu:​​ 8:30am - 6:00pm

​Fri: 9:00am - 3:00pm

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